For addiction treatment centers and therapy services, the use of social media is vital to keep connected with your clients and track their progress. Furthermore, it is a hub where people in need of help with their addictions might be looking for help as well. For this reason, if you thought that you should forget about social media marketing during the COVID-19 pandemic, you might want to rethink your action. Since everyone is spending their days at home, they have more free time to look around for help with their addiction, meaning that might look for you.
In this article, we will share with you three tips to boost your brand on social media during the COVID-19 pandemic:
1. Be open to communication
Always be open to contact and communicate about anything you are doing within your company. For example, if you are changing opening hours or tweaking your services, make an announcement through your social media channels. Also, do not do any of these using click bait posts because it will only lead to frustrated people and give you a terrible reputation.
Remember, you are in the middle of the pandemic, and people are panicking, which is why you should not be adding to the chaos. Make it clear what you have to offer on social media, and make sure it is relevant to the audience’s wants and needs.
2. Show that you care
While you try to meet the bottom line to continue operating your business, show that you put care over money for your customers. Whatever you post on social media, make sure that customers will associate it with your care for them. Show them you put their well being above everything else, and that you are taking this pandemic seriously.
In these hard times, you should be extending a helping hand to the community around you and showing that you want to help them get through this period.
3. Offer support
Adding to the previous point, not only must you show that you care but also give out that support. How you go about doing this will be up to your creativity. For example, if your brick-and-mortar center is unavailable, limited, or even closed because of the lock downs, look for ways to continue offering services to your customers. Those “ways” can include online consultation or also the delivery of products. Your social media posts, then, will let the people know how they can continue accessing your services.
By taking such actions, you prove to your clients and communities that you still want to do your best in providing the services that they need. In turn, not only are you providing for their needs, but they also will support you, making sure you stay up and running for the sake of everyone.
When you have plans to make changes to your marketing strategy during this trying time, carrying them out can be hard, especially when you have many projects planned out. However, always be ready to adapt and change. Otherwise, sticking to your plan that was meant for a peaceful time is not going to work now. Listen to what your audience wants, and try to implement those into your social media marketing strategy.
Our team of experts at Socialty Pro offers social media marketing for drug rehab centers. If you need professional assistance, get in touch with us today to see how we can help!